Monday, January 19, 2009


Golf in Dubai sounds expensive, right ? Well after reading a recent article about the buyers attending the southern weaner sales I'm not so sure.

To quote directly from the interview in "The Land" -

"A couple of games of golf and 341 steers later and the pair were ready to head back........."

Sounds like fun ? Well let's take a look at the sums both in the old paradigm Buy - Sell and the New paradigm Sell /Buy using the figures quoted in the article.

January - Buy 360 Kg Steers $691 $1.91c/kg
He said in August - Sell 480 kg Steers @$ ???? ( who knows$$ ?)
Now there are some costs (COG) to account for $146/head without grass cost or add the grass @$2 /week $218.
Breakeven price (no grass cost) $837 or $174 /kg
Breakeven price incl Grass @$2/wk $909 or $1.89/kg

Here at KLR we would do it a little different

Sell 480kg Steer $765 - $1.59/kg ( Last weeks Wodonga price for 480kg)
Deduct COG $218 / hd
You can pay less than $547/hd or $1.51 c/kg

Watch the video to see why you would be better off to fly over and play a game of golf in Dubai rather than take your annual trip to the weaner sales for a game of golf with your agent.

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