Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dirt - Soil Life = 2,000 Sheep / Ha

Dirt - the movie is a full feature film on the resource that holds and produces our food.

After hearing at TedxDubbo how there is as much life under the soil, in fact equal to as much as 2,000 sheep / Ha, I thought I should help get the message out.
Christine Jones is hosting a conference in September on "Amazing Carbon" with Courtney White from USA being her keynote speaker.
I will share more about Courtney in a future blog post.

The conference will feature an assessment of all the things likely to impact on agriculture over the next 10-20 years leads to the conclusion that we are entering a period of extraordinary change. Our challenge as a society is to work with the farming community to restore the ecological and hence productive base on which the future security of the Australian nation depends.

On the 31st of August I will be hosting a special Telecall with Garry McDouall who is the opening speaker at the conference.
The Telecall "The Challenge of Managing Change" will take a look at the issues facing agriculture going forward.
You are invited to attend this FREE Telecall by clicking on the link to the Telecall page.

If you are a KLR Mastermind member you will get access through the members area as well as the recording on CD.If you are not you can still access the live call via the link above.

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