Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks for the Incredible Journey !!

As I reflect on the past 2 days with Mick and the first graduates of Campfire Coaching, I remind myself where it all started - just a thought that people who live in rural and regional communities deserve to have access to the skills to be able to live their potential.Then a phone call in January 2007 asking Mick "What would it take for him to leave the city people to bring his programs to regional areas?"
As I said yesterday"Mick's Campfire Coaching program was like nothing else I have ever attended - his skill to facilitate everyone through their own personal journey was very powerful"

We will be planning where Campfire Coaching will run next year so if you even thinking about coming along - please fill out the form below - many people are already asking can we come to their area ? The noisy wheel will get the oil !!
A couple of comments :
This has been the best 2 days in my 63 years of living, I am looking forward to where these 2 days are going to take me.

Thank you for
incredible journey over the last 2 days. It is one thing to sit and listen to someone tell all of those things, but the fact that you just facilitated all of us through our own journey gives it so much more meaning and clarity.

I feel it was an incredible two days because, as was said yesterday, this workshop began with a phone call from Grahame to me back in January 2007! What we all got to experience this week were the "first steps" of CampfireCoaching and I have to tell you , I am very proud of what has been created and the calibre of people which our first workshop attracted. So...I thank you! - Mick Cornish

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